Monday 17 August 2009

Second Post

Yesterday we had a barbeque at PI (at the Black Hole Bistro, which is run by a gifted chef and is open only to researchers most of the time :-) ) where we got yet another chance to meet each other as well as some of the faculty and tutors. The interesting thing is even the tutors don't really seem very sure as to how exactly the course is supposed to work. 'I'm not sure, lets see what happens' is a common refrain.

But this much is clear, everyday there will be homework for two courses to be handed in the next day. Classes in the morning, tutorials in the afternoon and then homework. There are blackboards everywhere in PI and in our flats. I begin to see how they might come to play a big role, I think collaborative problem solving is the only way in which this could possibly be possible :-)

The first course is 'Research Skills' for three weeks, so I'm guessing that won't be as serious as the hardcore physics that will come later.

I can't wait to start.

-- Post From My iTouch

1 comment:

  1. blackboards and cricket, sounds like a place you could endure for a while! i hope you have a good start, all the best wishes from germany
